Is it Vegetarian? Feel Good Foods Potstickers Vegetable

Is it Vegetarian? Feel Good Foods Potstickers Vegetable

This product is likely vegetarian.


Filling: cabbage, onion, carrots, vermicelli (potato starch, mung bean starch, water), green onion, corn starch, sesame oil, shiitake mushrooms, cane sugar, salt, ginger, yeast extract, black pepper wrapper: water, rice flour, tapioca starch, canola oil, konjac flour, salt, xanthan gum dipping sauce: water, tamari soy sauce (water, soybeans, salt, alcohol), sugar, white vinegar, ginger, garlic (garlic, water, citric acid), black pepper.


Contains: contains soy.

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What is the Vegetarian diet?

A vegetarian diet excludes animal flesh like meat, poultry and fish. Some vegetarians known as lacto-ovo vegetarians still consume dairy and eggs. The Fig app is a great way to build your vegetarian shopping list.

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