Modified Food Starch may not be gluten free. Modified food starch is generally made from gluten free ingredients including corn, maize and potatoes; however, it can also be made from wheat. If made from wheat, "Wheat" should appear in the list of food allergens on the label. Note that this applies only to foods regulated by the FDA and not necessarily foods regulated by the USDA. Look for a "gluten free" label which indicates the gluten content is less than 20 parts per million, the standard set by the FDA. In these cases, the food packaging should also have a statement reading: “The wheat has been processed to allow this food to meet the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requirements for gluten-free foods."
Fig's dietitians reviewed this note on modified food starch. Check ingredients faster with the free Fig app!
Simply scan a food product with Fig. The app flags ingredients that may contain gluten. Click any ingredient like modified food starch to read more about its likely gluten content.
First, customize Fig with more than 100 diet and 2,000 ingredient selections. Then, use Fig to search for new foods that fit all your needs.
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Millions of people are now avoiding gluten. Some people avoid gluten because they have a gluten-related disorder like Celiac Disease. Others avoid gluten because it helps them feel their best. If you're not sure how to get started, check out our Guide to a Gluten-Free Diet.
Gluten is found naturally in ingredients like wheat, barley, and rye. It may also be found in other grains like oats due to cross-contamination. If you scan a food product with Fig, it will tell you if an ingredient like modified food starch naturally has gluten or if it may be at risk of cross-contamination.
When searching for gluten free foods, look for a certified gluten free logo. In the United States, this means the product has less than 20 parts per million gluten. Also check allergen statements for the presence of wheat.
We've done our best to ensure this note on modified food starch is accurate. When starting a gluten free diet, it's generally best to work with a trained dietitian or clinician.