Dark Chocolate is not paleo. Dark chocolate is allowed on a paleo diet but it's best to find dark chocolate made with a high percentage of cacao. Dark Chocolate is likely not suitable for a paleo diet.
Use the free Fig app to quickly check if ingredients like dark chocolate are paleo.
Quickly check more than 2,000 ingredients with the free Fig app. At the grocery store? Scan a product with Fig's scanner to highlight any ingredients that may not be paleo. Tap on an ingredient like dark chocolate to read why it may or may not be paleo.
Tell the Fig app how you eat: Paleo, food allergies, no nightshades, etc. Fig lets you select 100+ diets and filter 2,000+ ingredients.
Then, Fig will show you EVERY product that matches your needs at your favorite grocery stores. It's free - create your Fig!
The Paleo diet emphasizes eating whole foods that were likely consumed by humans thousands of years ago.
Foods to eat on a paleo diet include beef, pork, fish, eggs, nuts, seeds, herbs, certain oils, fruits and vegetables.
Foods to avoid on a paleo diet include grains, legumes, vegetable oils, dairy and heavily processed foods.
Please note: There is conflicting information online about which ingredients are and are not allowed on a paleo diet. We've worked to make this note on dark chocolate as accurate as possible. Ultimately, it's up to you to decide how strictly you'll follow the diet.
Read more about the paleo diet on Healthline and EverydayHealth. It's always a good idea to consult with your personal doctor or dietitian before starting any diet.