Black-Eyed Peas have not been tested for FODMAPs. However, Black-Eyed Peas are thought to be high FODMAP. Most pulses are high in FODMAPs. However, some canned pulses are low FODMAP because the FODMAPs leach into the water over time. Lentils and garbanzo beans (chickpeas) are two canned pulses that are low FODMAP in certain portion sizes. Drain the water and rinse the pulses before using. Always test tolerance of untested foods like black-eyed peas in small portions and only when your symptoms are fully settled. Possible FODMAPs: Fructose, GOS, Fructans
Find low FODMAP food faster with the Fig app! This note on black-eyed peas was reviewed by Fig's dietitian team.
Simply scan a product with Fig's free phone app to see if it's likely Low FODMAP. Click any ingredient like black-eyed peas to learn about its FODMAP content.
Fig lets you search for low FODMAP foods at 100+ grocery stores. Have other dietary needs? You can filter by 100 diets and 2,000 ingredients. Learn more!
If you're just getting started, we highly recommend our guide to the Low FODMAP diet written by Monash-trained dietitian Kate Watson. This is important as you assess if ingredients like black-eyed peas are IBS friendly. Many ingredients are low or high FODMAP based on serving size and preparation.
Since the diet is difficult to follow, we recommend working with a FODMAP-trained dietitian. A dietitian can help you understand the diet and your unique needs.
We last updated this black-eyed peas note on September 13, 2022. Despite our best efforts, ingredient information may be inaccurate or outdated. Please check Fig for the latest ingredient updates. Always consult your doctor or dietitian prior to starting a dietary treatment of any kind.
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